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Comprised of independent non-executive directors and senior management, our ESG Steering Committee strategizes the Group’s direction of environmental, social and governance perspectives, and making recommendations on any proposed changes to the Board. Leveraging the expertise of representatives from relevant departments, the ESG Project Taskforce reinforces awareness, practices and reporting.
The responsibilities of the Committee include:
- to identify the ESG matters that are relevant and material to the operations of the Group and/or that affect shareholders and other key stakeholders;
- to review and monitor the Group’s policies, practices and performance in relation to key ESG matters and ensure that they are appropriate in the context of the size, business nature and scope of the Company;
- to review and recommend to the Board for approval of the annual ESG report.
ESG Governance at AOC
For CSR and Sustainability to result in significant change, it’s necessary to have support on all levels in the organization. That’s why we introduced a CSR and Sustainability steering committee where the leaders of the business units are represented. The members of the steering committee are thereby selected by the management team to represent their business unit. Together with the workstream owners they discuss new projects and initiatives every 8 weeks.
Steering committee
- Consists of BU leaders of all entities, CFO, Human Resource Director and Global CSR & Sustainability Manager. They are authorized to approve projects and budgets per business unit or overarching projects for all business units.
- Meets every 8 weeks to provide strategic advice and guidance.
CSR & Sustainability department
- Managing the global strategy and coordinating projects.
- The Global CSR & Sustainability Manager is member of the ESG Taskforce of TPV who advises the ESG Committee of TPV.
Workstream owners and participants
- Managing the designated workstream and to define projects/objectives/KPIs per BU.
- The participants represent their BUs and are assisting the owner of the workstream to reach the deliverables.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility Pillars
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