Supplier policy

We are members of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), an initiative of the RBA to support the sourcing of conflict free minerals. The RMI provides their members with the most up to date information on conflict-free smelters and refiners and tools for conducting due diligence. The RMI executes the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) which uses third party independent auditors to validate that participating smelters and refiners have adequate policies and due diligence processes in place to trace the origin of the minerals that they process and assess whether they were obtained from conflict free sources. This program enables us as downstream companies to become confident that we source conflict free minerals and promote cross industry efforts towards a conflict free supply chain. 


Committed to supports the aim of the International Labor Organization to arrive at universally accepted labor standards

Our human rights approach

Every new supplier has to sign a social responsibility agreement as an appendix in the procurement agreement when it comes to protecting human rights. In particular, a new supplier has to commit compliance with RBA, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001. Each supplier receives thereby an annual audit/assessment regarding human rights themes such as no forced labor, no child labor, minimum wage compliance and, anti-discrimination. If the audit results are not up to the standard and there is no improvement after counseling or the relevant corrective measures are not implemented, there are different levels of penalty from cutting orders to disqualification of the supplier.  

Hai bisogno di assistenza?

Human Rights Policy
Modern Slavery Statement

Conflict minerals

To support the global prohibition of conflict minerals, AOC drives facilities and its suppliers to avoid procurement of conflict minerals. AOC and our suppliers neither directly nor indirectly finance armed groups in conflict-affected regions. AOC and suppliers neither tolerate nor contribute to human rights abuses that include forced labor, child labor and environmental degradation. 

PACT and AOC conflict mineral statement


Guarantee Letter of Suppliers


2023 Conflict Minerals Report


Conflict Minerals Letter to Customers


Our Corporate Social Responsibility Pillars

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