I am delighted to introduce to you the third Corporate Sustainability Report of AOC and MMD. As for many other companies it was a challenging year with the outbreak of COVID-19, but I am proud of our organization and how we handled this. We were able to adjust work processes in an agile way and working from home didn’t lead to a decline in productivity. It was also appreciated by our employees to spend more time with their family, although we are aware that they have taken on a twofold burden. We are very grateful to all our employees for this.

This year gave us also the possibility to adjust our CSR and Sustainability approach where we started a materiality assessment with internal- and external stakeholders to determine our most material topics; ‘Packaging’, ‘Sustainable products’, ‘Circularity’ and ‘Transparent supply chains’. We also selected the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 3, 8, 12 and 13 as most material to our business model. 

We expect that more people will keep on working from home in the future so the demand for qualitative monitors will remain. It’s thereby our responsibility to develop products that meet the wishes of our customers, with sustainability aspects becoming increasingly more important. 

We can only work towards a sustainable and growing future with you as a stakeholder. Please let us know if you have questions or recommendations. Your input, feedback, or any other form of contribution is much appreciated and valued.

AOC tôn trọng quyền riêng tư dữ liệu của bạn

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